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Monday, January 19, 2015

Dunamis Power

The word dunamis is from the Greek and is used over 120 times in the New Testament alone. It is a word from which we derive the English: dynamite, dynamic and dynamo. Here is a Word from the Lord that speaks to this kind of power:

Do you not know who you have living inside of you? If you profess to be My disciples than the Holy Spirit dwells in you. He is the source of wisdom and power, dunamis power. Dynamite, explosive, dynamic power. You have reservoirs of untapped strength and power living within. The power to move mountains, overcome world systems and knock down walls of hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, pride and every other sin that plagues the human race.

Yet my representatives here on earth, the Church, are losing a generation to the enemy who lures youth into darkness and My people into complacency. This need not be! My Holy Spirit is on the move to set the captives free, to break the chains of addiction, self absorption, and hopelessness. I have given you, My Church, My bride, the power that raised My Son from the dead. The dynamite power of the Holy Spirit to overcome death and darkness, the power to heal, the power to transform lives! Explode in prayer, worship and service that will loosen these bonds of the enemy.

Remember, you are at war with spiritual forces of darkness that are covering the earth. But as the darkness grows, so can the light shine brighter. Allow yourself to be filled with My power. Surrender all to Me. Serve Me with passion, "Your whole heart, your whole mind, and all your strength." Reach out to the lost and hurting. They are hungry, they are searching for something they do not know. Feed them with heavenly manna from on high. Show them the way to life. Condemn not, neither condone. Lead them to Me and show them the overcoming power that comes from a surrendered life. The dynamite power of the Holy Spirit will break the chains of darkness!

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