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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Prayer: An Everyday Communication

While I'm always encouraged that May 4th has been set aside as a National Day of Prayer for the United States, I hope that those who showed up to pray are making this a daily part of their lives. I know it's been very beneficial for me and has helped my relationship with God bloom.

Everyday before I leave for work I try to have time for Bible reading, devotion and prayer. I consider important enough that I drag myself out of bed before I really want to get up. I don't do this for a long time like some of the great saints,but I try to fit in twenty minutes to half an hour. I pray about issues at school, relationships, my family, marriages, peoples' health, for our pastor and church congregation, for the nation, for our youth, for Christian ministries and schools, for  prayer requests and more.I always end with a prayer for the persecuted church which I receive from Open Doors in a small monthly brochure.

I don't pray about everything in one day, but set up a prayer journal and target about five things a day to pray about. In the car on the ride to work, I use the Our Father as an outline to pray for other daily prayer needs. I also use it as a time to quietly worship with my hands on the wheel! I also put on my spiritual armor: the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of the truth, and the helmet of salvation. I put on the shoes of peace, and take up the shield of faith and the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God.( For a through study of this see Priscilla Shire's The Armor of God).

During the day, I try to focus on some of these issues, but I'm often so busy that I don't think about them until I have a free moment on the ride home. I also invite God into the mix while I'm in school and teaching. I'm working on doing more of both. Right now, my challenge is to pray more either when I get home or before I go to bed. I'm usually so tired that I read a novel for five or ten minutes until my eyelids are drooping. The next day I start afresh and wake up saying "Thank you for strength for another day, Lord." Though sometimes I have to force my legs to slide out from under the cozy covers and hit the cold floor.  Then I really need His grace! How about you? I'd love to hear about your prayer life.Also, here's an inspiration from the daily devotional I AM Calling:

And  whatever things  you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive. (Matt. 21:22)

Though many works need to be done, first bring everything to Me in prayer. Move when I tell you to move. Stop when I tell you to stop. Then you will be able to pray according to My will and not yours. In this way, everything you bring to Me in prayer will be answered. Your prayers will rise to heaven because you are asking according to My will. Once you have prayed, believe and have faith that I AM a loving God. I will supply your needs. I will answer the prayers offered up in faith. Yet do not try to make Me a genie that grants your every wish. Humble yourself and pray as I have directed you.

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