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Friday, February 8, 2013

A Call to Unity in the Church: Repair the Broken Walls

The last several Saturdays, when I can spend more time listening to the Lord, the Holy Spirit has been stirring me with divine messages to His people. I hesitate to call them prophecies because I don’t consider myself a prophet, though the Lord has given me many of these that have come true. This is the first time I’m making it public to those other then my family and those who were in the church I attended. You can make your judgment and tell me what you think.

Unity in the Body: Repair the Breaches

Stir up the gifts that are in you, placed there by Me and my Holy Spirit. Use these gifts to repair the broken walls of your churches. Call together the families of God, the brothers and the sisters, the sons and the daughters, the fathers and the mothers. Call the priests to work side by side with the goldsmiths. Repair the golden gates of praise.

Work together side by side, all who are in My family. Call together the Jew, the Greek the Gentile believers—those of the faith. All who are in my house need to repair the breaches. It is no longer time for division—those who are of one gifting or another. For a time I called you to be separate, to develop your individual gifts—musicians with musicians, goldsmiths with goldsmiths, dancers with dancers, evangelists with evangelists, priests with priests. But now the time is perilous and the work must progress more quickly.

The foundation is now complete, the old bricks taken away, broken up and ground into new bricks. It is no longer necessary for you to be divided into different camps. I am calling all My people—all of My family camps to gather together, shoulder to shoulder, to repair the wall. The protestants, the Catholic, the charismatics, the evangelicals, slave and free, rich and poor need to band together for this work of Mine. Put your hand to the task of repairing and rebuilding the wall, brick by brick, with the mortar of the Holy Spirit to bind you together in the bond of peace.

Repair the wall to the city of God, the New Jerusalem which I have birthed in your hearts. Repair the wall to keep out the enemy of your soul, who has come to kill and destroy. Repair the breaches to keep out the encroaching darkness that you too may not be swallowed up in it. But do not turn your backs on your brothers and sisters. I am fully aware of your differences, which has caused division in My church. I do not call you to agree on all things, but I call you now to work side by side to build up what the enemy has destroyed. Remember the enemy of your soul is Satan and his cohorts. Everyone who confesses Jesus Christ as My Son belongs to My family.

Repair the breaches so you might bring in those I have elected to know Me, so that you may harbor them from the evil to come. If the walls are broken down, how can you keep them safe? Understand this Word—call those to safety who would know Me, not those who already do. Those who know Me should be working on the walls.
Your work will attract attention from the outside world. For the broken walls are right in front of you—your neighborhoods, your cities, your churches, your schools, your communities, your mountains and your valleys. They are everywhere you turn. You are to build the walls to be a safe haven, to heal the brokenhearted and bind the wounds of the afflicted, to release those caught in bondage and slavery to an earthly master—whether the lusts of the flesh, money, power or addictions.

My work can only be made complete when the family of God unites against the enemies of God, not against each other. Pray for wisdom, listen to the Holy Spirit. Know and understand my Word, so you may discern truth.
There will always be tares among you, false brothers, but do not rip them out of your congregations. Even I allowed Judas to be part of My inner circle until My time was revealed and the Father used him for His plans. Do not exclude brothers and sisters because of earthly judgment, but let the times and circumstances judge them and determine their fate. Your job is to repair, not to judge the world, yet. Spend your energies on building My house and repairing the breaks in the wall.

This Word is based on Nehemiah Chapters 1-4 in the Bible. Nehemiah was called to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and received favor from the Persian king. I believe it has great relevance for us in the church today. I invite your comments.


  1. Unity in the Church(the Body of Christ) is a recurring theme in my heart for many years. Read John 17. Unity of Believers meant so much to Jesus. He prayed to His Father for us. We can't even imagine what would be accomplished in His name if there was unity in the body of Christ. His Kingdom would be ushered in. One of the most wicked weapons that has been formed against us, His body, are the divisions and prejudices that result from those divisions. I'll join you in prayer, Sister. Thy will be done. . .thy kingdom come.

    1. Actually this has been a theme in my life as a Christian for over twenty years, but I was chastised for holding this view because my former church believed their doctrine was pure and didn't want heresy preached. I believe as you do, but also know that doctrine is important but it should not divide true belivers!

  2. Replies
    1. Reading them over I am challenged by them and pray they come true also.
