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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Live From New York

A few months ago, when Gov. Cuomo announced the passing of his legislation on full term abortion, my heart sank. Living in the state of New York, it made me want to move when the governor said he hoped New York would lead the rest of the country. I prayed the exact opposite—that states would begin to adopt laws to protect the unborn, and a few Southern states did so.

Friends tried to console me that it only pertained to cases when the mother’s life was at risk, but that just isn’t true. The statistics prove it. Less than 4% of abortions occur to save the life of the mother. The rest 92% are elected out of convenience or as a means of birth control or because of pressure from boyfriends, husbands or families and Planned Parenthood.

Yes, Planned Parenthood promotes abortions. I know. I was subject to their lies while I was a young woman. I went in to take a pregnancy test back when you couldn’t buy them in the neighborhood drug store. They called me in and told me I was pregnant and it would cost more for an abortion. Being Catholic, I declined. They didn’t like my response and tried to convince me it was just a clump of cell. I still said “no.” As I was about to leave the facility, they called me back in and said they made a mistake, that I wasn’t pregnant. They told me all I needed was a DNC, not an abortion. I went for the DNC and to this day wonder if I was pregnant.

But that was many years ago and today I want to sing the praises of Focus on the Family. I am so thankful to them for hosting Live from New York.  The pastor of Times Square Church prayed a powerful prayer for the event and many testimonies were given by those who were survivors of abortions. Singer Francesca Battistelli opened with the theme song from Unplanned and actress Ashley Bratcher who played Abby Johnson gave an interview. Her story was incredible. When the producer of the movie Unplanned asked her to play the part of Abby, he warned her that she might lose her career, but she felt called to play the role. Four days later, when she called her mom about the role, her mom started crying. She told Ashley that she had been on the operating table waiting to get an abortion when she saw a pregnant woman and felt sick. Her mom then decided not to get the abortion and told Ashley, “That was you I decided not to abort!” What an amazing testimony of God’s grace and how his plans and ways are greater than ours.

 A pregnant Abby Johnson herself encouraged the crowds to continue in their efforts and maintained that life would have the ultimate victory. A four D sonogram of her baby in the womb was televised on the screens, the highlight of the event. I am so thankful this event took place in New York. Thank you, Focus on the Family, for not turning your back on this ungodly state and thinking we are all of the same mind as Governor Cuomo. We are not! And the crowd of 10,000 today in Times Square proved that!

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