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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

I AM Calling You into a New Year of Beginnings

painting by Anita Estes
This is from my devotional book I AM Calling along with an updated comment

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind. (Luke 4:18)

A new year is upon you. Light has dawned, and the warm wind of the Spirit is blowing. It is a gentle breeze, so you must stop to feel it. It is a year of reprieve and favor from the Lord. It is the Word My Son proclaimed, The acceptable year of the Lord (Isa. 61:2). Enter into His favor, and do the works My Son did. Not by might or by your own power but by My Spirit will you be able to perform them. Let the Spirit breath upon you and quicken your mortal body and give you vision. Let Him set you free from the things that have tripped you up all your life, roadblocks like worry, fear, bitterness, indecision, and lack of revelation.Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint(Prov. 29:18), but this doesnt need to be your story. I AM sending you My Holy Spirit. He will give you insight, wisdom, and the strength to do My will.

Each new year is like a fresh canvas that we can allow the Holy Spirit to paint upon. Let His life giving and creative force touch you this day so that He can energize your life. Here are some of my recent paintings which area available for purchase, Email me at montage777@yahoo.com with the number of the picture and I will give you a price ranging from $25 for original to $75 for a canvas. Prayer cards with scriptures are available for a nominal fee.

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