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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Calling All Prayer Warriors

This was written during the height of the pandemic and now I see that God was laying the foundation of what He is calling me and other Christians to do. On Saturday September 26th, we, along with thousands of Christians around the world, will be meeting in Kingston NY at the TR Gallo Waterfront Park to take part in a Day of Prayer in Repentance from 10:-3:30. This is in conjunction with The return https://thereturn.org/
Here is the article I wrote back in June:
Over the last several weeks, God has been calling me to pray more and more for our country and to inspire and encourage others to organize prayer walks in their cities. Little did I know that on June 20th, God did that in San Diego and 16,000 people from 135 churches gathered on street corners, in parks and on curbsides to pray. Though I live on the East Coast, a world away, it was exciting to know that God is hearing  our prayers as we pray for repentance and revival. Here's my prayer:

My heart is very burdened for the United States of America. There is so much evil trying to destroy it and so many willingly giving itself over to its agenda. Those who call themselves Christians really need to rise up in prayer at this time. I took a prayer walk around my neighborhood and my heart just cried out for all the sins of America: The spirit of rebellion against God, against authority and against all who would curb any self-indulgence, the sins of pride, lust, anger and hatred, pornography and child molestation, murder, the spirit of anger, and anarchy that is fighting for our nation.
My heart is burdened for those who are dying in the streets, for the addicted, for those who are under the sway of the enemy of their soul. Those who are called Christians need to rise up in prayer and take to the streets and pray. Lord I pray that you would send the David Wilkerson‘s of this nation, send them into the cities to bring the healing message of the gospel good news of reconciliation between God and man. I pray for the Nikki Cruz’s of America. Send evangelists to them, send your Holy Spirit to release them from the bonds of hatred, addiction, racial prejudice and self-destruction.
We pray Lord that you would have mercy on this nation, though we don’t deserve it. Break the bondage that the enemy has placed on its people while they were sleeping and unaware of the tactics. Quench the fires of our smoking cities with your Holy Spirit. Bring your peace and unconditional love to the land through your church. church rise up to your finest hour in history to go out into the streets and bring reconciliation in the name of Jesus Christ. 
This is part two of the prayer

God’s calling all prayer warriors to take to the streets of their towns and villages and especially the cities. To pray against the devices and strategies of the enemy. “No weapon formed against us, your church, will prosper.” Wake up Church and hear the cry of the Savior’s heart for the thousands of desperate ones who do not know you and do not know unconditional love. I pray for the church, we pray for the Church that it would rise up and take its place at the head and not at the tail, that it would lead with compassion and walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ
Lord we pray for your mercy on America, though we do not deserve it. We repent of our idolatry as they are many, all centered around the selfish aims of power, greed, control, selfishness and rebellion.
Bring back our youth, our prodigals who have left because the tug of the world was too strong on them because they did not know the power of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit, a dynamic power that converted men like Nicky Cruz, Michael Franzese and ourselves. Lord we need you desperately. We’re crying out for your help. Show your people what they are to do. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

God certainly showed the churches in San Diego what to do,,,Pray. Here's the article if you want to be encouraged!

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