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Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Dividing Stone: Supernatural Suspense for the Season


I've always thought The Dividing Stone a perfect read for October, but with everything happening in our country it's getting closer and closer to the truth! Now its a good read anytime you want to increase your prayer life! And it's on sale for only $10 through paypal for October or on Amazon for a reduced price. Also FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY! Just leave a comment, and your name with be entered into the contest.

The Dividing Stone is a fast paced, supernatural suspense novel with a dash of history, mystery and love. Here are three excerpts to give you a taste of the novel:

Outside, night had fallen and the mountains were etched in black against the darkening sky. Chris looked up at their form and shuddered; he too felt an ominous presence. Although he believed in the existence of demonic forces, he didn’t think they could attack people, at least not physically. Anyway, he didn’t think it happened these days. He’d need to discuss this with a few of the other Christian brothers and see what they thought.

As he swept the flashlight back and forth through the bushes and around the house near the studio, he hoped to find a clue, but there was no sign of anyoneThen he walked toward the sloping hill behind the barn and cast the light in an arc across the trees and then down their massive trunks. Chris loved his wife and wanted to help her, but he thought she might be too tired. Maybe if he could divert her thinking, she would feel better.

He tramped back to the studio and observed Margo at a distance from the doorway. He loved the slender curve of her neck and the determined stance of her body as she stood waiting for him. She looked so beautiful with her long hair cascadin over her shoulders. As he approached, he puzzled over her ability to be tough as nails and soft as a kitten, all at the same time. He walked into the studio.

Her bright eyes questionedβ€œFind anything?”

β€œNope, nothing.” He thrust his arm out and threw something in her lap.β€œNothing, but this big fat spider.”

She stepped back and screamed, brushing off her jeans. β€œYou big…” She looked down at a leaf and glared at him, then took it and ripped it to pieces. She gave him one of her scolding looks he knew so wellThen he met her gaze and smiled broadly. He knew she couldn’t stay mad for long, even though she hated spiders.

β€œI think you better stop reading those murder mystery novels. They’re making you jumpy.”

Margo grabbed a wooden clay tool and poked him. β€œTake that.” She playfully jabbed him in the waistβ€œAnd that.” She got him in the armβ€œYou little fiend.”

β€œWho, me?” He loved to tease her, but he never thought of himself as a fiend.

β€œNot really.”

Chris wrestled the tool from her and threw his arms around her in a big bear hug. Tousling her honey-colored hair, he smothered her cheek with kisses. He loved this crazy artist, no matter what she imagined.


A great mass of writhing creatures mounted the air with a loud whirring caused by the flapping of a thousand wings. Several bumped into each other, eager to be first and please the master. With one piercing look from the most prominent one, they settled down.

The meeting was called to order. β€œWe are gathered together tonight,” the commander’s voice echoed,β€œto put a stop to what has been set in motion.”The ancient dragon’s nostrils flared, and his eyes pierced the legion. β€œWe have another breach. Someone was not watching the cemetery carefully and now…” His voice trailed off, punctuated by heavy breathing, as he pointed a bony finger in the air and seethed.β€œBut I have a plan, so you are fortunate.” He breathed fire and singed a few underlings.They yelped.

β€œCome forth, Deception.”

A tremendous creature with a radiant face on one side and a hideous one on the other stepped forward. He bowed and streams of light followed.β€œYes, my lord.”

β€œIt is because of you that the detestable Veritas is now lurking around the corner.” He lifted a powerful wing, and the wind almost knocked Deception off his feet. Light from his radiant face went dark for a moment, but Deception quickly recovered.

β€œIt was not my fault, sir, you see.” His voice hissed like a snake. β€œThose sniveling idiots over there were sleeping.” He pointed toward a pack of lies and their lower-ranking captains:Falsehood, Dishonesty, and Deceit. β€œBut I will double my efforts, sssirr. Set posts at every church and—”

β€œYou imbecile,” the commander shouted. β€œIt’s too late for posts. You must infiltrate the church. Forget about the others, they are ours already. To do this, I have chosen others to assist you.” He pointed to Pride and Lust.

As the Prince of Division stood up, his tail sliced a number of Deception’s cronies in half, and a fight broke out between several of their troops. 

The dragon flew at them and breathed down fire, incinerat-ing them.

Pride stepped out from the shadows, and the crowd shivered. They all recognized him, as all of them were under his command also.


Later that night, thick clouds moved in from the south and covered the moon like a shroud. Occupied by his thoughts of Margo, Chris unconsciously drove along the river road even though the drizzle had changed to torrents. As he rounded a corner, he saw water spilling over the creek’s banks creeping up to street level. Startled by what he saw next, Chris stepped on his brakes. Up ahead, it looked like a car had smashed into a tree. He grabbed a flashlight and jumped out of the car. β€œDear God,” he prayedβ€œlet no one be hurt.”

As he approached, he saw the strangest sight. Some kind of bird of prey had crashed into the windshield, and part of its body stuck out from the glass. The car lights cast an eerie glow and illuminated the silhouette of a gnarled tree. Chris flung open the door. A young lady sat slumped over the steering wheel, blood dripping from her head. He punched in 911 on his cell phone. The phone chirped while he checked her pulse. Nothing. He listened for a heartbeat. Nothing.

β€œNine-one-one.What is your location?”

β€œGet an ambulance pronto to the end of Hawk Drive. Near Route 23. Now.”

β€œWhat is the nature of your emergency?”



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