An analysis of January 6th's Events
Because of the volatility of this subject and censorship in the media, I will
not disclose their names. Friend number one took a bus from Orange County, New
York. Before the bus left, an assemblyman got on and prayed with them. He
prayed for peace and for all to go well, but then got off the bus to take care
of his wife and a newborn baby. My friend said as they headed to Washington, it
was evident that most of them were Christians as they were cordial, polite and
praying on the bus. A number of them had experience with large gatherings as
they were pro-life and were informing them of how to assemble peacefully.
When they arrived in DC, one of the men took a large pole
and put a flag on top so that they could identify their group. They disembarked
and she told me that there was a mass of people, which she estimated to be
about 1 million. They found a place to gather towards the end of the crowd. After
they assembled and began to walk to the area where the President would be
speaking; she smelled pot and knew something was wrong. "Most Trump supporters
don’t smoke pot." She then noticed that peppered throughout the crowd were men
dressed in black wearing bulletproof vests. She assumed they were Antifa, as
they had no designation of police. As they began to walk, she said people lined
the streets, hurling insults at them and heckling the crowd.

When they got to the area where Trump was giving his speech,
all was peaceful. They were there for a couple of hours. When he finished speaking,
they started moving towards the Capitol building. When they arrived in the
Capitol parking lot, there were reports of violence and so the organizer
decided that they should leave, which they did. My friend was very upset
because she said 99.9% of them were very peaceful and she felt that they missed
a great opportunity to pray all together. She also noted that Trump was not at
the Capitol at that time when the violence erupted. He had been speaking to
them at that time. She also said that reports of the timeline verified this.
What’s really disturbing is what happened the next day. The
Democratic Party called for the resignation of the assemblyman who they accused
of going down on the bus with a group of insurrectionists and rioters, which
was a lie. So the assemblyman called a meeting of the press the next day and invited
all those who had been on the bus to go down and meet at his office. He then
showed the press that the group that had been on the bus, which consisted of regular
Americans: men and woman, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and a priest. They
were not insurrectionists or rioters. He asked the Democratic party to
apologize for calling them that, which they did not. Furthermore, he had not
gone down on the bus with them. This is when it gets really upsetting. That evening
the assemblyman received death threats from the Democratic Party and he had to
move his wife and baby into hiding for their safety. Imagine that! You may not
believe this but this is true. A number of people have been receiving death threats from the Democratic Party(see The Epoch Times Dec. 30) for not verifying the votes. Also, remember all
those fires and smashing storefront windows, even black people’s stores as well as other merchants?
You didn’t hear the Democrats denounce that.
The violence at the Capitol was for the most part staged.
From America Stands. My
other friend is an eyewitness to that. Being at the front of the crowd, she
could see more of what was happening. She too had heard Trump speak, but was
able to get over to the Capitol building quicker than others. She was on the steps with a large crowd when suddenly an aggressive group of people shoved past them, with a mission in mind, but she didn't know their agenda. She wondered and was surprised by their aggressive attitude. She didn't think they were trump supporters because they were different than everyone else in the crowd. When their driver in
their group saw this, he sensed it wouldn’t be good, so
they left.
My friend had heard reports of e-mails that went back and forth between
Antifa followers to dress up in Trump regalia, which seemed to make sense with what she experienced. The next day she was horrified when she
learned what had taken place—the breaching of the Capitol building and violence. One Trump supporter, who was interviewed, said he went in to see if could talk to someone or help out. He and others had not planned any violence. (I'm not saying all the Trump supporters were peaceful, but the vast majority of them.)
The following day, my friend was trying to figure out everything that happened as she watched the news reports. On video, she saw several white vans pull up and a determined looking crowd disembarked. Although they were dressed in MAGA hats and Trump paraphernalia, she thought most of them were not “Trumpers,” She could tell by their demeanor and attitude as they shoved their way through the crowd towards the Capitol building. They began to agitate the crowd and surged the Capitol steps. These may have been the very ones who shoved passed her on the steps or a very similar group. She stated that the regular Trump supporters around her, had not premediated any violence, nor was it spearheaded by Trump, neither was he an
insurrectionist! (After watching some other raw footage, I will concede that some Trump supporters did force their way into the Capitol and were aggressive, but nothing like the violent demonstrations of this summer.)
We must be in prayer for our nation, and the deep deception
that is being played out over the people of the United States—friends and
family are falling prey to their web of lies. Will you please gather with your
church family and friends and continue to pray that the truth will be revealed?
I believe the answer to all the lies and our nation’s problems lies in a true
relationship with Jesus Christ and not in political parties, but neither can we
bury our head in the sand. What do you think?
Statement from the President: "In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You." These are not the words of a man who promotes violence because he is not. |
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