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Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Master Storyteller/ Living Proof Live with Beth Moore

Behind the Door of a Divine Story… was the theme of the dynamic Beth Moore’s women’s conference held this weekend at the Times Union Center in Albany, New York. At first glance, it was an unusual topic, but as Beth revealed the points of Jesus’ powerful storytelling, it came into focus. She started out by declaring that there is a MYSTERY behind the door of all of Jesus parables and walked us through seven parables in the gospel of Luke. We see in a glass darkly and can only know part of the divine meaning of this earthly life and the stories Jesus told. The blank spaces, where we don’t understand, are where Faith grows. It is like the parable of the farmer who goes out and sows seed in the ground. He spreads the seed, but only understands a small part of what goes on underground to produce a plant. We cannot fully understand how God transforms a life, but like a seed, part of it is a hidden work underground. When we spend time in prayer, that work is accomplished in our spirit. We often water that seed with our tears as we wonder what God is doing in our life, but He is accomplishing His will! We just need to saw seed.

What else lies behind the story door? There is REVELATION to those who are willing to study the Word of God. He bids us to pay attention and to stay focused to hear and see the revelation in each story. We have to not let the distractions take us away from our time in the Bible and with God. Next, there is INVITATION in the story. God invites us into the wedding feast with Him. When we are clothed with His wedding garments and righteousness through Jesus Christ, we can celebrate with Him! And let me tell you we celebrated, both in worship music and a mini dance party during the break. Anyone who knows me, knows I love to dance and I certainly joined in and celebrated! Why not? Our God had done amazing miracles in our lives!

The fourth point had everyone shaking their head in agreement. Even though there is a fair amount of MANURE behind the story door, we can enter in. We can let God use all the ugly and hurtful stuff to transform us. Like the parable of the unfruitful fig tree, He also digs down around us. He unearths the junk that keeps us from bearing fruit. Then He spreads manure to fertilize the tree, that’s us. This is how Jesus wields His stories. He invites us in to listen and then if we are willing to perceive what he is truly saying, we realize the parallel to our own lives. We all have garbage, manure, that happens in our life and God wants to get it out into the open so He can deal with it and heal you. He also uses it to “fertilize” us so we can bear fruit.

We are also made to REJOICE in our trials and shake off the junk of this world. Joy is the hallmark of the Christian and Satan is working overtime to stress us out and destroy our joy. The parable of the prodigal Son invites us into both parts of the story, as the prodigal, before we knew Christ and as the other son, who judges the Father for rejoicing over the return of the prodigal. Where do you stand? Are you a prodigal or stuck in legalism, religiosity or pride?

Have you invested all you have for the KINGDOM and obtained the pearl of great price and worth? I hope so, for “What no eye has seen, nor ear has heard nor heart has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Corin. 2:9). The kingdom is of great worth, beyond the treasures of the earth.

Lastly and supreme above all is the story of JESUS. He is present in every book of the Bible and the Supreme plan of God for redemption and salvation. He is in Genesis from the beginning as the Word of God and appears often in the pages of Isaiah who prophesies Jesus coming and his death on a cross. He is given birth on the pages of the gospels and in the book of Revelation as the only one worthy to open the scroll of the book. He will appear once again riding on a cloud and will claim His own. The Bible is a powerful story from one page to another and we are invited in to participate, to allow God to write His story on and with our lives. I thank Beth Moore for inspiring me to write His story in my life again.

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