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Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Time of Lothlorien: A Poem of Light

While walking through the woods near my home, the light was just right and the leaves golden which inspired this poem, based on The Lord of the Rings land of Lothlorien by J.R.R. Tolkein 

The Time of Lothlorien

When the autumn turns to gold,

And leaves glimmer in the sun,

            The time of Lothlorien has come.

Days of golden light, honey

                          in the atmosphere

              and everything turns

                         with misty light,

                         to legends of old and ancient days,

                                     stirring in my mind and heart,

                      whispers of heaven that will not depart.

As leaves quake in the aspen trees,

with lithe bodies dancing in the breeze.

Mysteries of old unfold,

Healing in the golden light

of elvish beauty and delight.

Who saturates this atmosphere?

                        Beyond the confines of time and place.

            He treads softly and eyes behold—

                        His glorious countenance.

                                    Radiating splendor,

                        He is the Light of Lothlorien.

Beyond all mysteries and fantasies,

            He resides in the Throne room of light,

While lightning flashes from His eyes.

All lies dispelled in the light.

Lighting up the Eastern skies,

He will return from Lothlorien,

And grace this earth once more,

to take us home to where we of

                        Golden light belong,

“Beyond the confines of time and space,”

Lothlorien whispers.


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